Wednesday 30 May 2018

Fact File

Fact number 1.    It is impossible for most people to lick their own elbow. (try it!)

Fact number 2.   A crocodile cannot stick its tongue out.
Fact number 3.   A shrimp's heart is in its head.

Fact number 4.  It is physically impossible for pigs to look up into the sky.

Fact number 5.  The "sixth sick sheik's sixth sheep's sick" is believed to be the                               toughest tongue twister in the English language.

Fact number 6.  If you sneeze too hard, you could fracture a rib.

Fact number  7.  Wearing headphones for just an hour could increase the bacteria in                          your ear by 700 times.

Fact number 8. In the course of an average lifetime, while sleeping you might eat                          around 70 assorted insects and 10 spiders, or more.

Fact number 9. Some lipsticks contain fish scales.

Fact number 10. Cat urine glows under a black-light.

Fact number 11. Like fingerprints, everyone's tongue print is different.

Fact number 12. Rubber bands last longer when refrigerated.

Letter to the Minister of education

Ashlee Thompson
182 Central Road North
 New Zealand

Minister of Education
Mātauranga House
Level 1
33 Bowen Street
Wellington 6011

Dear minister,

I am writing to persuade you to keep art in the curriculum. 

Stupid. That is one word to describe it. Taking away art  would not alow kids imagination to run free as it usually does in art.

Have you ever thought about what would happen if you took away art? No illustrations in books, no art in street painting, and no graffiti. (that might be good though) 

In the future, the only things on walls in classrooms will be writing. Writing is good, but you will have no illustrations in the writing.

So please minister, don't get rid of art.

Yours sincerely, Ashlee Thompson.

Thursday 24 May 2018

Leadership poem

Leadership poem
If you ever want to be a leader
You should start by being a reader.
Books about Heroes,
Nothing about zeros.
If your ever in strife,
This will change your life.
Listen to leaders,

Or you’ll be the pleadersImage result for leader

Wednesday 23 May 2018

How do I take the lead with my friends?

I could:
1. Encourage them in their learning.

2. Be their for them.

3. Help if anything is wrong.

4. Include everyone.Image result for leader

How could I take the lead in my learning?

I could:

1. Study on on animal management since I want to be a zookeeper.
2. Work on being a leader.

3.Read a lot of books to improve my reading.

4.Play mangahigh to improve my maths.Image result for leader

Where is my leadership taking me?

I feel like my leader ship is taking me to be a leader in the zoo.I would really like a job like that because I love working with animals, and if my leadership took me to being a leader at the zoo, I would be pleased.Image result for zoo png

How could I take the lead in my life?

To take the lead in my life, I could:
1.Take every opportunity I get e.g. clubs/sports/captain.
2.Do things without being asked.

3.By having good attitude.

4.CONCENTRATE ON MY GOALS.Image result for leader

Leadership roles in Marama

We could have:

  1. Ambassadors, people who give new kids/guests tours.
  2. Games monitors, people who tidy all the games.
  3. Art monitors, people who make sure all the art supply's are clean.

What is leadership?

Leadership is not bossing everyone around and shouting at them to do it for you, It is helping people and doing it WITH them. Leadership, is also the ability to influence a group of people towards their goals. A boss always says "I did it." A leader always says "WE did it."Image result for what is leadership

How could I take the lead in my family?

To take a lead in my family, I  could practice my piano and my saxophone without being asked to. When I get home I could cook the dinner and do jobs so my mum wont be stressed. In the weekend, I could clean my room and help mum with stuff.

Tuesday 22 May 2018

Five key leadership words in te reo

Friend- Hoa
Role model- Te tauira mahi

Six great leaders

Richie McCaw
Abraham Lincoln
Captain Cook
Sir Edmund Hillary
Lydia Ko
 John Key

Thursday 17 May 2018

leadership quote

Image result for leadership quotesImage result for leadership quotesRelated imageMy favourite quote is Albus Dumbledore's. It really is hard for me to stand up to friends, especially if they are your closest friends. I think the reason is because if they think you have betrayed them,you are scared,they will not wan't to be friends with you. That is what it takes to be a leader. 

Weekly reflection.

I felt like a cheetah this week because it went fast, but I was also really lazy.It  was also really hard for me to get out of bed, unlike this fat cheetah who fell out.Image result for what would happen if animals ate fast food gif

Tuesday 8 May 2018

my pets superpowers


When Hershey Thomson woke up on Monday morning, she did not realise anything was strange or unusual. It was like any other morning, her master fed her breakfast, like any other day, and she went outside, like any other day. It was only when she jumped that she realised something was wrong. She only meant to jump at a bird, but instead she found herself soaring through the clouds. She liked the the felling, it might even come in useful for catching birds, she thought. So she landed and acted as if nothing had happened. The next morning, there were feathers everywhere.Image result for flying cat

Thursday 3 May 2018

My week

Image result for HermioneThis week I felt a bit like Hermione Granger, because she moves very fast and gets things done on time. I got most of my tasks done on Wednesday.

Tuesday 1 May 2018

Active authors

    1. I take a lot of pride in what I do.
Answer: lion

2. ANAGRAM (mixed up word): hlcaneeom
Answer: chamelion

3.  I have leathery skin and short legs.  
Answer: turtle

4. Type of reptile
Answer: crocodile

5. Waru  
Answer: spider

Some say we infest cities like rats

Comment your answer on this one.