Thursday 22 February 2018

Weekly reflection workshop

Marleana's dancing work shop really made me smile,
and we did also noticed that the planning took a while.
I used creativity, in every one activity. I was also very kind by showing a master mind that Friday is aka, Fri-YAY!Image result for Happy friday gifHappy Friday Everyone!                                                               

Image result for goodbye gif

Sunday 18 February 2018


Today a guy called Lex came and talked to us about attitude.He was really funny, and my favourite joke was when he was talking about exchange students. He was telling us about the conversation and this is how it went,"whoa, look at that cloud with legs!" "Yeah, that's what we call sheep." My favourite thing that we did with him was a game to see whether we were paying attention. If he put one hand on top of the other we clapped. if he put it on the bottom we didn't. then we did a personality test to see what animal you were, I was a Otter. Lex told us how attitude affects things. we learnt how fun his job is, and what personality we have.

Thursday 15 February 2018

Pit, Peak, or Interesting

Puppy Panda

Image result for cute funny animals pictures I think this picture is really funny because people are always saying that you can be whatever you want. This puppy has proved them right!(It is also cute)

Wednesday 14 February 2018


5 things adults should know about kids.

  1. we do like to play the occasional computer game.
  2. If you want us to do jobs, chocolate is an acceptable payment.
  3. Girls aren't all necessarily made of sugar and spice.
  4. Ever wondered were all the cookies went?
  5. We like to make huts on the couch, whether you like it of not.

Being New

When my friend Erin-jae was new, she was very shy. you could tell because she talked very quietly to everyone. She is also very good at maths but she doesn't brag about it. Erin-jae was very polite and friendly, and that was the beginning of our friendship.Image result for new girl at school clipart

Big Chief Little Chief

Big Chief Little Chief 

In Marama we have a lot of new roles. Most of them are leadership roles. Since we are year seven and eights, the rest of the school now look up to us. We now have the chance to be house leaders, assembly leaders, sports leaders, and many more. we should also be completing work up to a higher standard.Image result for chief

Tuesday 13 February 2018

Drive time

Image result for harry potter flying ford anglia
If I was a car, I would want to be a Ford Anglia. My reason for that is because Fords are good. Harry potter also rode in a flying one to Hogwarts. If I was a Ford Anglia, I would want to be blue, because that is my favourite colour. I would also want to be a Ford Anglia because they are quite small, and I am quite short.


IntegrityImage result for Integrity

CourageImage result for Courage

Action   Image result for Action

Respect Image result for Respect

Excellence     Image result for Excellence


Since I can't say everything about the holidays (I have a lot to say!) I will only say a couple of things. Firstly I went to Christchurch. When I went there I stayed at my Nana and Granddads. We were there for Christmas. I got a bow and arrow. Then I travelled up to Darfeild for my cousins Birthday which is three days after Christmas. Then we came back home.Image result for Holidays

My favourite song.

I really like this song because it has a really catchy tune. we are also reading a book called Refugee and part of it is set in Havana. The lyrics also have a message! The message is that  the lady really really likes Havana.


Fixed vs growth

I am going to have a few scenarios, and I am going to do what a fixed mindset would say and what a driver would say.

The work is hard and I have one day to finish. Just give up.( fixed mindset) keep trying to make it the best you can! ( growth mindset)

You have a chance to keep going on with your work or help a moana kid. keep going on with your work( fixed mindset) Help a Moana kid!( growth mindset)

Image result for fixed mindset vs. growth mindset

Week one

My First week at Marama was amazing! We learnt so much and we have the most amazing teachers. I really like the spaces like the fishbowl and green room. we do a lot of cool art and blog posts. Marama is very cosy because we have a lot of choices on where to sit and work.

Image result for back to school

When I get home

                                                             HOME TIME

When I get home at four o'clock, usually I take my togs and lunchbox out of my bag and  put them in their place. Then I get dressed and have some afternoon tea. If my cat Hershey comes in then I pat her and talk to her. Then I grab a book and relax. That is my afternoon!

Monday 12 February 2018

My smarts

My Learning Smarts

 I have taken a test on what my smarts are. My top two are naturalistic, and bodily-kinesthetic. I got 100% on naturalistic, and 83% on bodily-kinesthetic. I think that these scores are true.

Strengths and weaknesses

                                         Strengths and weaknesses

Image result for strength
My strengths(Thing I find easy)

1.Taking the role of a leader,
2. taking care of plants and animals,
3. Twister,
4. crafts
5. reading

My weaknesses(Thing I find hard)Image result for weakness

concentrating when I sit next to my friends
learning a new thing that takes a while to get used to
Spelling big words

My learning goal for this year is to get all my work done on time and up to a high standard.

My I CARE goal for this year is to show integrity. I am also going to try and be very creative this year.

Thursday 8 February 2018

Blockers and drivers

Blockers and  Drivers

5 Things that block me from learning
Loud noises
Being hungry or thirsty
Having an issue at morning tea
People running in the classroom

5 things that help me learn
A quiet space
A comfy chair
Being prepared
Having a friend to help you
H good self esteem

True or false

True or False

I am going to have 10 questions(True or False). Please comment on what you think is True or False!
4 are false   6 are true Favourite Animal dog

Favourite food Sushi

Have I never broken my arm once 

My birthday is one day apart from Harry Potter's.   

I have a brother

My favourite colour  is blue

I have travelled all over the world

Harry potter is  stupid

Soccer is my favourite sport

I go to school

Wednesday 7 February 2018

Beach reflection

            Waihi beach is AWESOME

On Wednesday  2nd of February we took a class trip to waihi beach. In my dad's car was, Emily, Makayla, Calilue, and Erin-Jae. Unfortunately Erin-Jae was sick.

 My highlight of the trip was when I jumped onto a wave and rode it quite a long way.That was when we had free time in the water. 

Three things I learnt are,
1. Rip currents are discoloured because of the sand that it picks up.
2. The lifeguards have cameras watching the beach so that they can watch the surf from there house.
3. On the lifeguards life jackets, they have walkie talkie holders.
🏖Waihi beach is AWESOME

Sunday 4 February 2018

Learning powers!

In Ngatea Primary school, we have learning powers! They are, creativity, resilience, connecting, being me, and curiosity. I have also added a picture that suits to each of them.

CreativityImage result for creativity
ResilienceImage result for resilience
ConnectingImage result for connecting
Being meImage result for being me
CuriosityImage result for curiosity

6 Words that describe me

I have to write six words describing myself. I do not know how to describe myself, so I asked some of my friends! Here goes:
 1. Makayla said Cool
 2. Summer said sporty
 3. Ella said awesome
 4. Alexa said pretty       
 5. Emily said Creative
 6. Hanne said funny and happy     
And that is how my friends describe me!                 

My Favourite Quote

I like this Quote because it has a message inside it. The quote is Stars can't shine without darkens. The message is, if you have a problem don't give up and go home, keep going and stay strong!
Image result for Quote
I look up to people like Bethany Hamilton. when she was surfing her arm got bitten of by a shark!
She did not give up though, she kept on surfing!
That is why I like this Quote!