Wednesday 23 August 2017

๐Ÿš˜What is I Drive?๐Ÿš˜
If you are reading this, then you don’t know what I drive is. I Drive is a series of workshops/activities that you get to pick. You get to do that rotation for 2 weeks, the first week for planning, and the second week for building. I have been in stop motion for four weeks at the moment because Erin-jae and I are working on a commercial for the made awards. Our commercial is about invisible spray, something I have always wanted! When we have finished I would like to do photography.
If I were to change one thing in I drive, it would be that we get to go till lunch! I have found stop motion challenging because, we couldn’t film it very well,as there are only two people. When we tried to put a green screen background on, we didn’t even show up! If I were to introduce a new area of learning, it would be a tessellation workshop because tessellation is really fun and also part of geometry.

So there you are, now you know what I Drive is!

The End

Tuesday 22 August 2017

My quote

My quote      

I made this quote because a lot of people on earth are not being kind to each other. Do they not realise that instead of starting a war over some land, they can just share it?

And plus, think about how nice it would be if everyone was telling everyone else they were the sprinkle on their doughnut! Everyone would glow with happiness.

A whole town can change just because one person smiled at someone else. Smiles always spread like wild fires. If you see someone smiling at you today, return the favor.



If I won the lotto I would buy the following: I would buy a kitten because my kitten at home gets a little bit lonely sometimes and Hershey is growing up. Then I would get some tiny little cat shoes so my cats could take turns in wearing them. After that I would get a funny little beach car so I could travel places.(e.g the beach)Then I would get a caravan so that if I travel to an awesome place in the car, I could live there with my cats in my caravan.

How much?
Total amount?
KittenImage result for kitten
I would want company for Hershey
$100 including vaxination
Cat shoes
Screenshot 2017-08-07 at 11.44.39.png
For Layla and Hershey
Trade me
Layla and Hershey could take turns

Screenshot 2017-08-07 at 11.49.09.png
For me
Trade me
I need a car and this is a funny car.


For me
Trade me
I love traveling
The rest I would put in the bank
