Thursday 9 November 2017

My discovery sharing

On Thursday 2nd of November Whetu shared our discovery projects. I was in the pollution group, with Cade, Sammy, Makayla, Jackson, Zion and Taj.  We did a lot of research and found out that there are seven different types of pollution. They are: Air pollution, Water pollution, soil pollution, radioactive pollution, noise pollution, thermal pollution and light pollution. Since there are 7 people in the group and 7 types of pollution, we each got to focus on one type of pollution. I chose air pollution. This is how it turned out:Screenshot 2017-11-08 at 12.07.12.pngIt is a mobile with all 7 types of pollution. When Whenua came and had a look at our projects, I think that they really liked ours. We set out cushions for them to sit on while we read them out.

Wednesday 23 August 2017

🚘What is I Drive?🚘
If you are reading this, then you don’t know what I drive is. I Drive is a series of workshops/activities that you get to pick. You get to do that rotation for 2 weeks, the first week for planning, and the second week for building. I have been in stop motion for four weeks at the moment because Erin-jae and I are working on a commercial for the made awards. Our commercial is about invisible spray, something I have always wanted! When we have finished I would like to do photography.
If I were to change one thing in I drive, it would be that we get to go till lunch! I have found stop motion challenging because, we couldn’t film it very well,as there are only two people. When we tried to put a green screen background on, we didn’t even show up! If I were to introduce a new area of learning, it would be a tessellation workshop because tessellation is really fun and also part of geometry.

So there you are, now you know what I Drive is!

The End

Tuesday 22 August 2017

My quote

My quote      

I made this quote because a lot of people on earth are not being kind to each other. Do they not realise that instead of starting a war over some land, they can just share it?

And plus, think about how nice it would be if everyone was telling everyone else they were the sprinkle on their doughnut! Everyone would glow with happiness.

A whole town can change just because one person smiled at someone else. Smiles always spread like wild fires. If you see someone smiling at you today, return the favor.



If I won the lotto I would buy the following: I would buy a kitten because my kitten at home gets a little bit lonely sometimes and Hershey is growing up. Then I would get some tiny little cat shoes so my cats could take turns in wearing them. After that I would get a funny little beach car so I could travel places.(e.g the beach)Then I would get a caravan so that if I travel to an awesome place in the car, I could live there with my cats in my caravan.

How much?
Total amount?
KittenImage result for kitten
I would want company for Hershey
$100 including vaxination
Cat shoes
Screenshot 2017-08-07 at 11.44.39.png
For Layla and Hershey
Trade me
Layla and Hershey could take turns

Screenshot 2017-08-07 at 11.49.09.png
For me
Trade me
I need a car and this is a funny car.


For me
Trade me
I love traveling
The rest I would put in the bank


Wednesday 26 July 2017

Term 2 hollidays

My Term 2  Holiday
On Saturday I drove all the way to Wellington! When we got there we stayed  with our cousins. Fraser got an upstairs bedroom, well I slept downstairs on a futon with my cousin.

The next day it was a cold and stormy day so we went to a cafe. The cafe was right next to the sea and we were looking out of the window, when way out at sea a circle of water was coming closer and closer. We realised it was a water spout so we thought it would stop at the land but the scary thing is, it didn’t.

It came up onto the beach, swirling the sand round like a washing machine, then it came into the car park,(smashing two windows as it went) and there were some chairs outside the cafe that were picked up and dumped onto the road. As quickly as it came, it was gone.

After that I was super scared, so we went back and watched the movie Trolls (they have an apple TV)

And that was the scariest thing in my holidays.

Sunday 11 June 2017

🎉🎉Celebrating my learning🎉

 Something I have achieved this year is getting every single one of my book club tasks done on time and up to the highest standards. The reason this is a celebration is because some years, I do not actually do it because I did other things.

Another achievement I have is my mural. To me this is a celebration because I got a certificate for it in front of the whole school.

Something I really need to work on is my 10 quick questions in AWS. They say they are quick, but really you have to work with your book for ages to work it out, and then after all that you might get it wrong.

Maths has been surprisingly fun because I am building a zoo. I am in a group with Emily L, and Erin-Jae. We are not doing a zoo for fun but to work out the area and perimeter. It is called ……(drum roll please)..........................................💥💥ZOOTOPYLYS!💥💥


Thursday 2 February 2017

2017 buddy

Friday 2017 . My learning buddy is... JENNA LOWE!!