Thursday 8 December 2016

term 4 reflection

I have enjoyedπŸ˜€
  • Working on homework challenges because I like to paint cut and glue.
  • Making a lego costume for the christmas float in the santa parade because it was fun.
  • Making and selling things for the garage sale because I like to see that people like our products.
This has been challenging😟
  • Completing some maths IXL tasks because they are hard questions (example complete the pattern 1,    3,    7,    13,    21,    31,    43,  ?)  
  • Completing some literacy tasks because they are hard when I do not know the meaning.
  • Sometimes it is getting my sticker because I do not get things marked off on time.
What I am looking forward to next year 😳
  • The bike trail because when the year 6’s did it it the photos looked awesome.
  • SRA because I am curious about it.
  • Book club because I have enjoyed this terms book club

Tuesday 29 November 2016



Screenshot 2016-11-29 at 11.22.42.png
For my homework, this is what I will do:
  1. I am going to have a big stick, then I will cut the spout off a few one liter bottles
  2. Then I will put the stars that I made on them
  3. After I have done that, I will attach them upside down to the stick and put lights in them
  4. After I have finished that, it will look like a stick with lanterns with light that shines through except for on the stars so the shadow will have stars!

I am up to finishing off the stars and getting one litre milk bottles. The biggest challenge I have had has been coming up with what I wanted to do. First I was going to do a fairy house, then I was going to do a christmas tree but grandma suggested a lantern stick.

Thursday 27 October 2016


 In New Zealand, we  all have a public holiday on the fourth Monday of October. Labour day celebrates when the eight hour working day and the 48 hour working week became the law in 1899, primarily because of carpenter Samuel Parnell refused to work more than eight hours a day. He encouraged other tradesmen also to work for only eight hours a day and in October 1840, a workers meeting passed a resolution supporting the idea. On Labour day, I went biking with my family from Kopu to a few Km past the Matatoki cheese barn and into a tunnel. On the way back we stopped at the cheese barn. The animals there were: A chicken with chicks, budgies, finches, a sheep, goats, llama, bunnies with babies, and a guinea pig with babies. The little goat got out of its paddock,(even though the goats are on a chain) and butted a little todler.  Then my brother walked up to it and touched these little bits hanging down from its chin and said, what are these? Then it butted him. Well, that is all I have to say about labour day.

Monday 24 October 2016

On Friday the 14 of October my four workshops were: Funky corner bookmarks,Fun with flax, Flax weaving,and Fishing knot tying. F.F.F.F. (Funky, fun, flax,fishing) My favorite was funky corner bookmarks. I like them because they are really cute and mine have funny little faces. I learnt how to make: bookmarks that slot onto the corner of your book, woven bracelets out of flax,a flax flower, and how to tie fishing knots. In the funky corner book marks, I am pretty sure I muck up because they come apart unless I put something in the middle. In fun with flax I had to use a mussel shell to get the edges jagged.

My Holiday recount

My Holiday recount

In the holidays I stayed in Papamoa. I went to the air force museum and then we saw some awesome things. The thing that I liked the most was this awesome plane that had heaps of compartments. There was the gun room, the living quarters, the radio operator's room, which had a second level which was really just a seat with windows and millions of buttons. Then there is the cockpit which was pretty cool, and in the footwell, it kind of got real big and there was a table and chairs but the roof and walls were made of glass.

Thursday 15 September 2016

term 3 reflection

Term 3 Reflection
What have you enjoyed the most this term? Why?
  • Literacy IXL because there is cool prizes.
  • Our calendar art because I like the art that I have done.
  • Our workshops that we did with group one group two and group three. I like it because we had science, rad rhythm,and dodgeball.Each day, every group did something different.
What has been challenging this term? Why?
  • Maths IXL because most of them have quite hard questions.
  • The Block run because I wanted to stop but I had a goal not to.
  • Getting my IXL done sometimes because I don’t go on it until Tuesday.
What are you looking forward to next term? Why?
Swimming, because I really love to get out into the water and learn new things.

Athletics because I enjoy long jump and competing against others.

Monday 29 August 2016

My speech


My speech topic is about Dance. I chose this topic because I know a lot about it. I think it was really easy to write this topic because I did not have to research anything, it was all in my mind. I did not have to change my topic because I was happy and pleased with my topic I already have. I do not feel nervous at all because I really want to see how people react. I think the hardest part of presenting a speech is because some people,(not me) get really nervous.

Term 3 goals

I am really looking forward to Cross Country, because I am curious to see if I make it into Hauraki plains. My favourite part of this year has been the block run because I enjoy running round the block. My three goals for maths are:
  • To get better at degrees
  • To get better at Meanings and place values.( I usually get mixed up between the two)
  • To get better at measuring capacity

My literacy goals are
  • To get better at editing in my writing
  • To make sure that I understand what I read
  • To make my writing more interesting

I think I am improving on my maths goals because sometimes these are on my MDR and I think I am improving my MDR.

I do not know if I have improved my literacy goals.

cross country


On the day of the Cross Country, everybody in my house was, as usual, rushing around. It was so busy that we missed the bus. When I got to school I was quite nervous. The roll was called and I thought I was going on the bus. As it turned out though, I was going in a car. The girl we were going with, I don’t think she was there, so, my brother and I  went in a car with spare seats. We got there and I put my bag down were it was supposed to go. It took forever for my race to come, but it finally came. I came in fourth place. My goals for HP are: to get to Thames Valley,and at least come in the top 10. My training helped because last year I came 7th or 8th.

Wednesday 3 August 2016

 My Fun Holidays
Finding Dory

In the holidays, I watched Finding Dory, and the BFG. In the BFG, my favourite part was when the BFG and Sophie went underwater and all the dreams were there. It was really cool when Sophie caught a dream about herself! In Finding Dory my favourite part was near the end when Dory was sad because she had lost everything. Then Dory  found a beautiful purple shell. She swam down to it mumbling I like shells, Dory then saw that there was a trail of shells. She said to herself loudly “I like shells.!’’She followed the shells and saw a little house with heaps of shell trails. Just then a female and a male of her kind swam towards the house with fin-fulls of shells looking sad. When they saw Dory then they stopped, they both had surprised looks on their faces. Dory said to them, “Hello, Im’’… before she could finish, the two fish yelled “DORY!’’ And rushed towards her.

Thursday 23 June 2016




What I really liked about this week was that the team challenges were really REALLY hard. I also liked that we only had a limited supply of materials so we really had to let our brains wander to find a good design.

I actually did not really like being me. The reason that I did not is because we did not do any fun activities. All we did was write.
I found it really interesting that everyone had the same idea of making a hot air balloon.

Wednesday 8 June 2016



For our art, we did string art. My design was a kitten. I chose this design because it looks like my kitty.  My kitten’s name is Hershey. She is from the S.P.C.A. It was supposed to be black, but it was too boring. It took a lot of effort, because the string kept unwinding.
This is the finished product

JPEG Image

Thursday 2 June 2016

the queen

πŸ‘‘ Queen Elizabeth the llπŸ‘‘

Image result for the queen of england birthday

The Queen's Birthday public holiday is celebrated each year in New Zealand on the first Monday in June , even though Queen Elizabeth II was born on the 21st of April 1926 2:40 a.m. In 2016 the queen celebrated her 90th birthday.

Elizabeth II is, and has been since her accession in 1952, Queen of the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, and Head of the Commonwealth.

Her full name is,Elizabeth, Alexandra, Mary.

Her children are: Charles,prince of Whales, Anne, Princess royal, Prince Edward, Earl of Wessex, Prince Andrew, duke of York. Grandchildren: Prince William, duke of Cambridge, and prince Harry.

The reason that we celebrate the queen, is because we are part of the Commonwealth, and she leads the Commonwealth.

In the Queen's birthday weekend, we are going to, have a game of soccer in Tairua then, just chill.

Sunday 22 May 2016



In case you don’t know what RAD RHYTHM is, I will tell you. INGREDIENTS:


1 ROLE MODEL( or not role model)





Place your bins ( upside down)in a circle. Put 1 student behind each bin. The teacher comes in, announces ”Good luck on your exams! Your time starts, NOW! Everyone picks up 1 stick and starts scribbling onto their bin. The 1 role model( or not role model) keeps on looking up as if distracted. Then she starts tapping her stick in this beat. 1 & 2,3,4. She starts to do it with 2 sticks. Boys join. Girls join. All stand. 1&2,3,4x4,1&2, flip click x4 HEY HEY HEY HEY! That is all we have learnt. Our teacher for rad rhythm is Mrs Taaffe. Mrs Taaffe is a great teacher.


Thursday 5 May 2016


My Holiday recount

I had a very fun time this holiday.(Most of the time anyway.) In the first week, our Poppa, well, kind of Poppa, died. So then that was very busy.Our cousins from Auckland and Christchurch came for the funeral. Then, in the second week, Dad took me and my brother to snow planet. After that he took us to the beach.That day we had Burgerfuel for lunch.

Wednesday 13 April 2016

Lotta says no

                    Lotta says NO!
                            By Astrid Lindgren

“Lotta says no’’ is a book about Lotta, Joe, and Mary-Lou. When they go places now, it’s way more complicated. Lotta unravels Mrs Burg’s knitting, Joe falls out of a window, Mary-Lou and Joe jump off the train, Lotta stands in the middle of dung, (Lotta is such a baby)”.“What could they do that is worst?  Well for starters, make a pancake tree? Buy a cake for Christmas and eat it? Or even pick a fight with their cousins, Anne and Tommy?

I really like this book because it is an action packed book, with a lot of adventures. I also like this book because Lotta is so mischievous. I rate this book ⅘.                                                     

I would  recommend this book for year 3 to 7.

Sunday 10 April 2016


         ⭐  OUR FLAG⭐
All over New Zealand, everyone,(who is old enough) has been asked to vote for their favourite  flag. If I was old enough to vote I would have chosen the original flag. The reason I think this is because it  would not have the English flag on our flag. (we fought in the war with them). Another reason I do not want it to be changed is because if someone in the future watching the Olympics from the past and then they saw the original flag and said, what country is that? See what I mean? So I think it's actually that the flag did not change. Have you voted? Or if  you are too young, then what do you think? I kind of like the other flag though, but still, why would we have to pay for all the fabric when we already have a perfectly good flag?

Wednesday 23 March 2016

          Screenshot 2016-03-21 at 14.18.10.png


Good Friday is a Christian religious holiday commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus Christ who died on the cross. Easter bunny (,also called the Easter rabbit or Easter hare.) Is a folkloric figure and symbol of Easter, depicted  as a rabbit bringing Easter eggs. A hot cross bun is a spiced sweet bun, made of currants or raisins, marked with a cross on top, and traditionally eaten on good Friday In the British Isles, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Canada, and India.
The buns mark the end of lent and different parts of the hot cross bun have a certain meaning including the cross. Easter eggs, also called paschal eggs,  are decorated eggs that are often given to celebrate Springtime or Easter. As such Easter eggs are common during the Easter season.Good Sunday is when Jesus rolled away the stone for the tomb. The reason that we have Easter eggs is because they show a new hope.
What we do at home is the Easter bunny gets all the eggs and then he goes onto our computer and types out all the clues and puts them with the eggs! I also love Easter because most of the time we get to see our cousins who live in Auckland and the South Island. There names are:  Ellie, Mia, Laura, and Jonathan.  I really do believe in the Easter bunny  because we have two rabbits at home,(Cloudy and Zebra) and Cloudy is white so I think it just might be him!                            

                          I    L❤VE   EASTER!!!!!!

                 THE END

Thursday 10 March 2016


P πŸ‘
M πŸ‘Ž
I 😜

I really liked our letter art because it was really creative!I also loved that today in the we got to have the pool toy up!

What I do not like is that when we go  into fix-ups we have to work before we eat.

I found IXL interesting because when I get things wrong I learn more!

My goal for next week is to not be in fix-ups or Oh Dear.Why I think this is a good goal for next week is because I would really like to be in celebration.

Wednesday 2 March 2016

NPS swimming sports

On Wednesday the 24 of February I went to swimming sports.  I competed in champions breaststroke,freestyle and backstroke.  I also competed in 2 lengths champs in all of them.  My mum and my granny came to see.  At the end I also got an Ice block.  when I was not racing me and Hanne had a  play around.  My brother Fraser did it to.  The best part was making it into  HP.   And the worst part was getting disqualified .  Dana got disqualified too.  It was because we broke the water.  Whilst we were waiting,Marlena and I played a hand-clapping game.  our score was thirty four.  My Grandmother came for a bit,but then she left.  My house colour is yellow but we call it patiki.  The other colours are :orewa,Weka and Kapoi.    I really enjoyed swimming sports,and of course writing this.I hope you enjoyed reading this as well.

                                    THE    END.